Jesus Fish

On Monday February 19, 2014 I stood under a red light heading north bound on Bruce B Downs as as the person in front of me had a Jesus fish magnet on the back on their car. This symbol came from the Bible when Jesus told his disciples that they will be fishermen of men. The fish symbol came about when there were persecution among the Christians during the Roman empire. To acknowledge they were Christians, one would draw a single curved line on the ground and the other acknowledging it with another curved line making the symbol of the fish. The deeper meaning of Jesus fish isThe Greek word for fish is “ixthus” or “icthus.” The Christian fish symbol that many Christians place on their cars is known as the “ixthus.” Five Greek letters form the word “ixthus,” and those letters inside the fish form an acrostic which is a message that Christians clearly identified with. The first letter represented the word Jesus. The second letter represented the word Christ, the next two, God Son, and the final letter represented the word Savior. This adds up to “Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the Savior”. During the early days of Christianity, Christians were often put to death for practicing their faith, so they worshiped in secret places. A fish painted on the outside door of a house let other Christians know that they would be safe and welcome inside. I can’t really say that that I have a personal reflection with this symbol, but I have always seen this symbol and it has always draw my attention because of the design and i cant really agree or disagree with the information I gained.

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